Got Questions?
If you have questions that may get frequently asked, you may find the answers listed below. If you don’t find the answers here, drop us a line on our Contact page.
Behavioral Health Care
Government Affairs both Federal and State
National Security Issues
Foreign Policy Issues
Leadership of Complex Organizations
Media Engagement
Transportation Engineering Design
Public Relations and Advertising
Veterans Issues
No. However, I’m very happy to work with International Organizations and have deep experience with NATO, the UN and the OAS in particular.
Yes. Contact me directly or contact the Washington Speaker’s Bureau. Have given hundreds of paid speeches in the US and overseas to Fortune 500 Corporations, Universities, Corporate Annual Meetings, Boards of Directors, Private Associations, Wealth Management Firms, Military organizations, and private groups. I have done lectures in Saudi Arabia, the UK, Belgium, Australia, Colombia, Poland, Mexico, Singapore, Vietnam, and Canada.
No. However, I have extensive experience and continuing contacts throughout the Federal Government in the Executive Branch, all departments of government, and Congress. I have dealt extensively with the Federal and State judicial systems, and once was honored to provide a private seminar to the sitting Justices of the Supreme Court. I’m very capable of helping shape a strategy and supporting messages to deal with the government.
No. I have never registered with either Party. I have extensive and positive contacts with political leaders of both Parties; having worked directly with US Presidents and senior Cabinet officials of both political Parties. My purpose is to be nonpartisan, objective, and supportive of candidates and policies that are sound for America. It is important for my dealings with the media that I NOT shy away from frank and sometimes critical evaluation of bad policy.