Capt. McCaffrey receives Distinguished Service Cross (2nd highest award for valor) from MACV CG Gen Creighton Abrams for battle in Vietnam serving with Viet 2nd Para Bn.

Gen McCaffrey ONDCP Director greets Pope John Paul II in St Louis as part of US Farewell Delegation.

1st Photo. Cadet Barry McCaffrey being commissioned at West Point. 1964. By my father LTG William J. McCaffrey. 2nd photo: MG McCaffrey CG 24th ID promotes son Sean McCaffrey 82nd Abn Div. to Captain somewhere in Iraq.

MG McCaffrey CG 24th ID on return from Desert Storm to FT Stewart GA greeted by wife JILL ANN MCCAFFREY.

CAPT McCaffrey receives 2nd award of the Distinguished Service Cross from Army C/S Gen William Westmoreland at the Pentagon. 2nd. Photo. Capt. McCaffrey receives 1st award of Distinguished Service Cross at HQS MACV in Vietnam from Gen Creighton Abrams.

Gen McCaffrey is introduced at the State of the Union Address by President Bill Clinton as the nominee to be a Cabinet Member for Nat. Drug Policy.

MG McCaffrey CG 24th ID. Desert Storm Campaign. CENTER LEFT. 1/Lt McCaffrey 82nd Abn Div. being awarded Combat Infantry Badge in the Dominican Republic by Company Commander 1/Lt Herb Lloyd. CENTER RIGHT. 1/LY McCaffrey Viet 2nd Para Bn about to lift of on combat assault at Dong Ha Marine Combat Base. I Corps Vietnam. BOTTOM LEFT. CAPT McCaffrey Commander B Co 2-7th Cav on combat operations near the Cambodian border. BOTTOM RIGHT. MG McCaffrey CG 24th ID. Combat ops Desert Storm in Iraq.

Reunion every two years of B Co 2-7th Cav in DC at Vietnam Memorial. Combat vets 68-69. Good, brave soldiers.

Gen McCaffrey USA Ret delivers Keynote Address at Nat Assoc. Drug Court Professionals. DC. (3000+ separate Drug Courts).